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A person who has dedicated his own life to helping other individuals to build generation wealth

"You are Blessed with Two Ears and One Mouth for a Purpose"

-Anthony Johnson Jr.

Meet Anthony

Time is more VALUABLE than Money and Riches

Anthony Johnson Jr.

 Consultant. Investor. Educator 

In the vibrant tapestry of human life, a single thread can often make a difference. One such thread was Anthony Johnson, a man whose resilience in the face of adversity was matched only by his unfaltering dedication to helping others discover their life's purpose. A man who was born into difficulty, witnessed the bitterness of his parents' divorce at the tender age of 7. It was an early encounter with life's harsh realities, and yet, it was this very experience that ignited in him a desire to heal, help, and uplift those who struggled to find their place in the world.


"Your wealth to humanity is determined by the value YOU can add to others & the marketplace"


"Once you Discover Who You Are, then other people's Opinions won't matter"

-Anthony Johnson Jr.

Anthony's Journey

Growing up in a single-parent household, flanked by an older brother and sister, Anthony was labeled as the outcast of the family. The harsh words "dumb" and "stupid" echoed in his ears, casting a somber shadow over his childhood. But beneath this looming darkness, his potential began to take root. Athletics became his sanctuary, a realm where he could demonstrate his abilities and prove his worth. From school fields to the college arenas of Southern Arkansas and Louisiana College, Anthony's prowess in multiple sports, particularly football, led him to a prestigious scholarship and he accomplished his childhood dreams of becoming an NFL athlete.

However, fate had a cruel twist in store. His second semester in college, a moment that should have been filled with camaraderie, touchdowns, and youthful dreams, was instead marred by a devastating loss. Anthony watched his best friend and guiding light, his mother, succumb to a heart attack right before his eyes. The harsh realities of life came crashing down, and he found himself lost in the world at the mere age of 21.

The following years were a grueling test of his spirit. For three years, Anthony was homeless, sofa-hopping, and grappling with the harsh realities of a world that seemed indifferent to his pain. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, he refused to surrender to despair. At the age of 24, he decided to move to Houston, Texas. It was a choice driven by an unyielding determination to alter the course of his life.

The winds of fate took a turn in Houston. Anthony met five multimillionaire men who would transform his life in ways he had never imagined. They took him under their wing, mentoring him and revealing the secrets known only to the highest echelons of society. Through their guidance, Anthony gained not only financial stability but a deeper understanding of human potential and the ability to cultivate it.

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With a newfound sense of purpose, Anthony used the wisdom he had garnered to light the way for others lost in the darkness. He founded his own company, "Kingdom of Wealth", turning the lessons of his own life into a beacon for those struggling to find their path. He used his experiences to show people that no matter the depth of their despair, the strength within them could overcome any obstacle.

Anthony, the man once labelled as the black sheep, had transformed his trials into a testament of resilience and purpose. His story serves as a beacon of hope, a testament that even the most desperate situations can give rise to phoenixes. Now, Anthony continues his mission, uplifting lives, and unlocking potential, proving to the world that every person, regardless of their past, holds a kingdom of wealth within them.


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